Want to sing at Carnegie Hall?
We rehearse on Mondays from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m., mainly at Redeemer Center, 150 West 83rd St.
Travel with a friend — we have an optional travel buddy system for people coming to and from rehearsal.
Members pay dues and buy their own scores. No one’s financial situation will ever be a barrier to membership. We will confidentially arrange a payment schedule, fee reduction, or waiver if needed.
All members are required to study music and words between rehearsals.
Each member must sell 4 tickets per Carnegie Hall concert.
Audition Information
We hold auditions year-round, live and virtually.
Please prepare a brief classical selection. During the audition, you will also vocalize and sight sing.
Applicants should have an expressive and steady tone, a good musical ear, sight-reading ability, and a love of choral community.
For more information, please email auditions@ceciliachorusny.org.